19. To maintain focus and humility when everything goes right / how to use prosperity on the path
Though I’ve a-chieved the pin-na-cle of fame / And the whole world bows down to me in awe,
I’m rich be-yond my ver-y wild-est dreams, / What-ev-er mo-ney buys I have it all.
To see that there’s no es-sence in suc-cess / And nev-er think I’m bet-ter than the rest:
This is the way a bodhisattva trains.
verse 19 audio above
“Positive obstacles: raise your hand if you’re having these.” That line elicited laughter when Pema Chodron was teaching this text at Omega Institute in 2016. She and our other teachers will have some advice for us should we ever be in this situation, but first: a word about the translation.